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Isaac's Storm

The 1900 hurricane is considered the worst natural disaster in American history, yet so many are unaware of its existence. It's most likely because modern storms have taken its place. Meteorology has ameliorated itself since the usage of instruments paired with observations were used to begin forecasting weather. The final year of the 19th century proved this, as weather predictions became more accurate and the science of meteorology started to develop some respect from the citizens of the United States. But this hurricane was no match for the meteorologists of this time. The storm did not follow the predicted path, and once they realized how wrong they had been, it was far too late. Over the past century, as technology developed meteorology had progressed along with it, and today our forecasting is more accurate than ever. A five day forecast now is as accurate as a two day forecast 20 years ago. Our cities are more prepared for a super storm than they were 100 years ago, and that can mean the difference from ~10,000 deaths, like Galveston, to 147, like Sandy, both considered some of the worst hurricanes in U.S. history.

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