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To Kill a Mockingbird

I was finally able to read Harper Lee's To Kill A Mockingbird as my final book of 2016. The book is wonderfully written and deals with racism at its core. I found myself immersed in Scout's world and was surprised at some of the things she would do. The story really comes to life because of the dynamic characters and the development of Scout and Jem as Atticus pursues a "hopeless" case. Reading the book along with all the events of 2016 kind of hit home for me, some say racism is winding down but I really don't believe that. This book made me realize we all have our prejudices and sometimes we never outgrow them, but sometimes we find people who teach us to change our hearts. After reading the book, I was inspired to watch the classic film with Gregory Peck. I enjoyed both but I definitely feel the story had details that let the reader connect closer to Scout. I plan to read Harper Lee's Go Set a Watchman soon.

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