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The Bell Jar

The Bell Jar describes a young woman's slow descent into madness with a surprising end result. After reading this book, I felt a lot pity and sadness, not only for other women who have experienced what the young woman experienced, but for myself. I was upset that I hadn't really spent much time analyzing my own mental health and identity, instead focusing on "more important things", like my appearance and my grades. I noticed I wasn't really taking the time to live, I was just floating by. I noticed I was angry after reading this novel, it was almost as though it sparked something in my brain and said "this isn't right." I was a bit taken aback by the amount of sexism in this book, but the overpowering feminist ideals and determination most definitely overshadowed any negative connotations. I was happy and most definitely empowered after reading this book, though, since the main character took charge of herself and her own body.

© 2016

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