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My Life Undecided

Jessica Brody delivers an amazingly cute and funny YA novel. I bought this book several years ago but never read it until this year. I've got to say I'm glad I waited. Highschool can test your patience, play with your emotions, and make you do things you'll regret, but that's just part of the ride. The concept of having other people choose your life really struck a chord with me. In some ways, don't others already decide our actions? When we are little we are taught to be polite, share, and be kind. These good behaviors installed early allow us to pick the right choice later in life, but some of us get a little lost. Highschool is difficult because you are stuck in one place with the same people for four years. You just follow what you think you should be doing-whether or not you actually want to do so. When other people made her decisions for her, the protagonist experienced so much more than if she were to have stayed on her own. Through the events during the year, she learns lessons on friendships, popularity, and humility. Personally, I think those are lessons we learn until we die, as one never is the perfect friend, the most popular person, or the most humble; we're just ourselves.

© 2016

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